The license exam is
administered by a
third party vendor.
What is on the license exam?
The license exam covers agency, license law, math calculations related to real estate transactions, and more. Pearson VUE publishes an outline of the test in their candidate’s handbook, which tells you what topics and how many questions will be on the test. We go over this in class, and students can also download it themselves. This is a great study guide because you can focus on the topics with the most questions.
How hard is the state exam?
The state exam is not hard if you are prepared, but it does take effort and participation in class to understand the concepts. You should not assume that simply attending the 30-hour course will guarantee success on the exam. While it’s not necessarily difficult, students who are not prepared often don’t pass both parts on their first try.
How long is the state exam, in terms of number of questions and time allowed?
You’re given four hours to complete two exams: the national portion and the Kansas portion. The national portion consists of 85 questions on general real estate principles and practices and you have two and a half hours to complete it. The Kansas portion consists of 40 questions, with 30 of them scored and 10 pretest items. You’re given an hour and a half to complete the Kansas portion.
What is a passing grade for the license exam?
The passing score for each exam is 70, but it’s not 70% or 70 correct questions. It’s a score of 70 that is determined by an algorithm based on the difficulty of the questions. The questions are weighted differently, so it’s possible for two people taking the test at the same time to receive different tests. The testing company doesn’t provide information on how the algorithm is calculated.
Where do I take the state exam?
Pearson VUE administers the exam, which has multiple locations in and around the metro area, as well as around the state. Please check their website for updated information.
Do you help with scheduling the state exam?
It is the student’s responsibility to sign themselves up, but we provide guidance on how to do it correctly. We review the process in class, and it is very straightforward.